Polaroid Transfer Workshops  in San francisco

I love seeing people’s faces light up making their first instantly-gratifying prints after learning this fun and original photo technique.  These antique looking, unique prints are easier than you think to create, and workshop participants always come away impressed with the images they make. 

Polaroid transfers are created using now-extinct (aside from my mini-fridge full of it!) peel-apart Polaroid 669 film.  The image starts as a slide, which is placed in the Daylab machine.  The Daylab is like a darkroom-in-a-box.  It’s awesome. 

  1. -Using the built-in enlarger, you focus your slide onto a protective sheet.

  2. -Then close the viewing door and remove the sheet, exposing the Polaroid film beneath it within the light-tight box. 

- Press the flash button on the Daylab, projecting light through the slide, onto the exposed Polaroid film. 

- You pull the film out of its base, peel it apart too early, almost instantly, placing the gooey undeveloped negative onto watercolor paper (or your medium of choice). 

- Then you apply pressure to the print, rolling it onto the paper. 

- Two minutes later ... viola!  A one-of-a-kind, irreproducible print!  You’re an artist!

I know this technique and its quirks and tricks like the back of my hand and love making it easy to learn and fun.

The only thing you need to bring with you are your own slide images.  This is an easy process - you can use www.digitalproprints.com

Sometimes people have questions about making slides.  Yes, we’re talking actual film here, but really, it’s as easy as uploading a file.  The slide is the seed image for your Polaroid transfer.  It’s exciting to see how a normal looking photo can transform into something so atmospheric when transferred.

I recommend bringing at least 5 slides with you to give you a variety of images to work with.  My experience with digitalproprints has been 2-4 day turnaround time but give yourself a week as a safe bet.

I’m happy to speak with you over the phone if you have questions about which types of images work best for different transfer looks, or any other questions.

I look forward to being creative together,

<3 Anna


- deets for my peeps -

Monday, Jan 31.  7 - 10 pm

some Polaroid transfers

more about anna


  1. 1.Member of City Art Gallery

  2. 2.Member of Mission Artists United

  3. 3.Founder of Awakened Creativity and proud mama of the Mission Wishing Tree

  4. 4.Believes that *everybody* (yes, even you! :) has beautiful creative potential within, waiting to come out and play.


about the workshop and transfer process